Make-up trends to try now by Rachel Freeman

Now it's Spring and l begin to finally feel the sunshine on my face l don't feel the need to pile as much make-up on as possible (unfortunately, having olive skin people always ask if l'm ill when l dare to go bare-faced!). In turn l begin to feel more experimental with both my wardrobe and make-up and love hearing about the latest trends.

In this post, Rachel Freeman, a make-up artist who has worked at London Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week and assists on editorial for the likes of Vogue etc has kindly giving us an insight of the make-up trends to keep an eye out for.
I will in turn offer recommendations of products you can try to achieve these looks.

Pick up the kohl liners ladies! Chanel and Thierry Mugler targeted a retro 60's twiggy liner on the eyes, alongside the Emilio de la Morena show who's makeup artist Naoko Scintu recreated the twiggyesque liner with an artesian broken/jagged brush stroke.

Curved lines continued to the Mulberry show where Artist Inge Grognard perfectly paints rust, green and burgundy circles around the eye. We also saw hints of a stronger 60s eye on Versace, PPQ, Chloe and YSL runways. 


Thierry Mulger

The blurred lip 
Forget your lip-liner! Bled, wine-stained, undone, all nighter, kissed, smudged and tinted - call it what you like! Models showcased the imperfect stained lip effortlessly on a handful of shows : Emilio de la Morena, Temperley, Topshop, Preen by Thornton Bregazzi were just a few...

(Val Garland - Preen)

(Rachel Freeman, photography Drew Shearwood)

Beautiful skin
Gucci stunned all with their attention to detail on their perfected clean skin and addition of sparkle from jewel encrusted lips and precisely placed crystal beauty spots. 
Beautiful skin was an emphasis on a lot of shows, seen on Burberry, Céline, Marcus Lupfer - prepping models with good skincare and a light beautiful coverage to give models a healthy glows. 

(Marcus Lupfer - makeup Sandra Cooke)

With makeup trending quicker then ever on a global scale - it seems that the social world and runway are pushing for the freedom of expression and creativity whilst enhancing and boosting the quality of skin. A beautiful glow is definitely the most timeless and translatable look from the runway to home. Rachel suggests facial spritz, serums and lightweight moisturisers to create the youthful glowy base allowing use less coverage.

Rachel Freeman, London Based Makeup Artist
T: 07581 175097


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