Personal styling - client no. 7

This lady had her first child just over a year ago and despite a real love for clothes she felt she had lost her own style. As she now spent her days running around after a toddler she needed clothes that were comfortable and practical but was afraid of looking 'mumsy'.

Although we're in August l didn't want to provide her with a selection of Summery styles as l wanted her to get value for money, so we agreed that l'd put together a wardrobe for Autumn. Thankfully there are some great new styles coming in (l will be posting a blog about the best of these soon) so l was excited to show her some of the latest trends.

It's all very well having lots of lovely clothes but most of my clients struggle with how to piece items together and l like to think l'm building them a wardrobe therefore l provide them with an 'Outfit moodboard'.


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